NewSQL databases- The bridge between SQL and NoSQL

5 min readJun 9, 2022

NewSQL Web site strives to provide businesses with the highest benefits of both SQL and NoSQL-related websites in one place. Here’s a look at how NewSQL can benefit businesses.

SQL has long been the same term “database” for us. In any type of data management, SQL was our natural decision. However, over the past decade there has been the emergence of NoSQL which has resulted in strong competition for favorites.

What haunts the mind of every aspiring database developer today is the question of choice: To SQL or NoSQL. We want to keep in touch with the latest trends in the technology, but don’t want the established technologies to slip away either. However, the most basic point that most people seem to miss is this: SQL and NoSQL are not competitors, and most certainly not antonyms of each other.

SQL or Structured Query Language is a very common concept of website management systems today. SQL looks for data that should be stored in the form of tables called Relationships, which contain tuples and attributes. Although this idea has been a breakthrough over existing data storage systems, such as flat files, things have changed today.

NoSQL came as a breath of fresh air in an ever-changing industry. The world is digital, and the digital world is corrupt. We can never predict the volume, variability, or speed of incoming data. Data, without guessing, is also irregular. Since the database cannot be processed, something else was needed. At the same time, widespread computing is full of anger today, as more and more businesses are moving forward in the cloud. Expansion of contact details cannot keep pace with speed; therefore, NoSQL entered the scene.

Why to Bridge SQL and NoSQL

“Now that we know how NoSQL differs from SQL, the question arises: Why to bridge them? Why not adopt NoSQL altogether? “

Simply put because NoSQL does not have the same entry as SQL. Many companies have all the existing structures based on stored information, which can be a headache to change. But that doesn’t mean one has to stick to SQL permanently. The best option in such cases is to integrate an existing SQL framework with a NoSQL database. Profit? To put it simply, it will produce the “best of both worlds”.

By getting to where the “bridge” goes, there is no one, the easiest way to do that. An easy way would be to use foreign company drivers like easy soft, which offers divination skills like ODBC. However, as it comes from a third-party vendor, it may have its own security and licensing issues.

Another option would be to develop languages ​​that can expand SQL functionality on the NoSQL website. One example would be N1QL, introduced by Couchbase Server, which expands SQL to JSON.

Ways to close the gap between the two technologies may be different and flexible; but we can all agree that living together is both the best for the industry.

One category of products that derive a growing interest rate in the IT community is NewSQL. While NewSQL does not receive as much attention as its NoSQL counterpart, there are a growing number of IT stores that use these platforms to address a specific business use case.

Meeting the unique needs of OLTP applications

NewSQL database provides a solution for applications that require highly processed online processing platforms (OLTP) by combining ACID certification of SQL-based related search engine and horizontal scales for NoSQL systems.

An example of an OLTP application would be a payment process for selling bricks and mortar. As the cashier scans the products, the system accesses the website to get product descriptions and prices, record customer purchases and update inventory statistics. Activity is short, and updates should be posted on the website as soon as possible. The key requirements for OLTP applications are platform availability and performance, the ability to support large volumes of concurrent users and permanently store incoming data changes as quickly as possible for safekeeping.

In short, many OLTP applications require the use of information that adheres to traditional ACID principles:

● The atom. Every data conversion between a single operation is successful or failed as a work unit. The system does not allow for incomplete updates from one operation.

● Consistency. All data on the website is in the same condition. Although the functions may change the content of the website, all such changes are valid.

● Isolation. Simultaneous activities do not interfere with each other. The system makes tasks that create conflicting data updates seem to work in sequence.

● Strength. Personalized data is permanent and is protected from application and site failures. The system provides retrieval mechanisms to ensure that all binding data is permanent and that all non-binding updates that occur during a failure are made into a backup copy.

NewSQL offerings

NewSQL database seeks to combine the benefits of consistent data for traditional knowledge of relationships and robustness of NoSQL platforms.

Like NoSQL partners, NewSQL database information differs significantly in architecture, features, and functionality. Here are a few examples to help you learn more about donations available.

It is important to note that this is a small set of products, each of which offers different uses for ACID compliance and measurement. As with any product comparison, you will need to thoroughly evaluate competitors to ensure that the selected platform meets your needs.

Google Cloud Spanner. Google describes Cloud Spanner as “the only business-level website, distributed globally and robustly built into the cloud specifically to integrate the benefits of a website-related horizontal and unrelated horizontal scale.” Cloud Spanner allows SQL queries and there is no limit to the scale. Distributed database is also compatible with ACID. It is known for its ability to provide access and harmony without sacrificing either. Here is a link to the product features.

Cockroach DB. While it may not be the most popular brand name, many industry experts add Cockroach DB to their NewSQL product list. Cockroach DB provides ACID compliant functionality, automated partitions, and measurable global formats. Here is a list of features of Cockroach DB.

NuoDB. NuoDB is a popular NewSQL product provider that provides distributed DPMS based SQL-based distributed DBMS engine. The NuoDB website includes a page that provides a well-thought-out decision tree that will help you choose a DB product based on application requirements.

VoltDB. Another competitor to NewSQL is VoltDB. is an ACID compliant, compact, in-memory database. Assigned-nothing architecture means that it works with memory in all collections to enable larger scales. VoltDB is known for its rapid exit and is designed to avoid the many tasks that can drive top processing into many relationship archives.

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